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May 31, 2014 @ 6:45 pm
Monroe County History Museum
724 Elaine Drive
Waterloo, IL 62298
724 Elaine Drive
Waterloo, IL 62298
Free to the Public
Presented by Ranger Nancy Hoppe. Fifty-four people accompanied Meriwether Lewis & William Clark on the Lewis and Clark Expedition along with one dog. This program will cover the characteristics of Newfoundland dogs, how Lewis acquired Seaman, his role in helping to establish American Indian relations, his use for supplying protection and food, some difficulties he faced in the wilderness and his mysterious last days. Seaman Dog Bones will be used to encourage children of all ages to participate in the telling of how Seaman’s fidelity and courage played a significant part of our country’s history. Hands on items pertaining to Seaman‘s story will be available after the talk.